miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

Va-Werewolfen(japanese samurai compilation)

Gran recopilatorio con las mas representativas bandas del sss como bull the buffalos,sledgehammer,bad vultures....Que lo disfrutéis!

01- Bull The Buffalos (Bull The Buffalos)
02- Soldier (Bull The Buffalos)
03- Stop It (Bull The Buffalos)
04- Smash It Up (Bull The Buffalos)
05- Warrior's Law (Bull The Buffalos)
06- Samurai (Bull The Buffalos)
07- Go For It (Bad Vultures)
08- Here Rise (Cannons)
09- Aggro Knuckle (Cannons)
10 Run (Cannons)
11- Rising Sun (Cannons)
12- Werewolf (Sledge Hammer)
13- Lightning Strikes (Sledge Hammer)
14- Patriot (Sledge Hammer)
15- Anthem (Sledge Hammer)
16- Stick Together (Sledge Hammer)
17- Merry Jingle (Sledge Hammer)
18- Low Life (Ouka)
19- Violence Nocturne (Ikazuchi)
20- The Way Of Destiny (Ikazuchi)


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